

Tackling Ulcerative Colitis with Herbs-Fu Zi

Herbal Treatment

Clinical Manifestation: Acute and sudden onset of intestinal symptoms and signs; sudden and violent diarrhea with pus, mucus and blood;
Herbal Formula: Fu Zi tang ( Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata). This formula eliminates heat and toxin and is common used to treat diarrhea due to damp-heat in the large intestine. Modification:

More damp than heat (characterized by more pus and mucus than blood in the stool; white and greasy tongue coat; and poor appetite): add Fu Zi (Aconiti Lateralis Praeparata), hou po (cortex magnoliae officinalis), and chen pi (pericarpium citri reticulatae) to regulate qi and dissolve damp; take out da huang (radix et rhizoma rhei) and bin lang (semen arecae).
More heat than damp (characterized by more blood than pus and mucus in the stool; fever; thirst; and preference of cold drinks) - add bai tou weng (radix pulsatillae), qing pi (pericarpium citri reticulatae viride) and bai jiang cao (herba cum radice patriniae) to clear damp heat.

Post time: May-18-2022

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